book recommendations

Book recommendations will be an integral part of this blog.

Target Audience

The blog is aimed at people who have limited understanding of how traumatic experience, both during childhood and as adults, can impact health, but want to improve life and health.

It is also aimed at anyone wanting to learn about how to engage in a more holistic approach to their health.

Books as Education

Books are an important and relatively cheap way of educating yourself.

All the big names in the trauma industry have written books on their subject. These narratives can be a really helpful way of coming to understand your experience and how it affects your body.

There are also plenty of  people who have written books about how to heal.

Books that Resonate

I will recommend books in the expectation that at least some of them will resonate with you. Hopefully, thus inspired, you will then pick them up and begin a process of educating yourself for your own healing journey.

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