Mary Magdalene by Dominique Hurley

Mary Magdalene and Cathar Pilgrimage

through the South of France


a journey of healing with the divine feminine

The journey has started, even before I step on the plane. It is true that once you set an intention to heal, the work is immediately underway. Intention is everything.

I fly to Marseilles from London on the 1st May (the day of the May Day King and Queen) where things begin on the ground. From Marseilles I will travel to Beziers, and from Beziers onwards to Carcassonne. I have two nights in the Alet-Les-Bains (home of Nostrodamus), Rennes-du-Château and Limoux area, before finishing up at Les Contes, near the last Cathar stronghold of Montsegur.

I will be following in the footsteps of the Cathars (a mystical Christian group that I have felt very drawn to over recent years), as well as Mary Magdalene. The Cathars, like the Essenes before them (a mystical Jewish group), knew how to live in community, honouring a balanced harmony between the divine feminine and divine masculine, both amongst themselves and within themselves. Jesus and Mary Magdalene were both born into the Essene community and were well versed in the sacred union between the masculine and feminine opposites. This is what I will be tuning into.

One of my fellow pilgrims, Dominique Hurley, is an intuitive artist whose paintings on the theme of personal transformation are a delight to behold. She has kindly agreed to let me use two of them (of Mary Magdalene) as illustrations on this travelogue. Every page will feature “Eye of the Spirit” (top) and “I Saw the Lord in a Vision” (centre). Do check out her work if you would like to see more.

What is naturopathy?

Mary Magdalene and Cathar Pilgrimage Travelogue 2023

The week before I leave-Day 1


Social Media
I have been a stranger to social media for quite a while now, taking a step back to assess my relationship with it. There is no doubt it is addictive and can take up too much time. It has its light and its dark side.

I had switched off all notifications on my phone and felt the peace descend. After a while I stopped even thinking about it. Bliss.

But in my contemplation of SM I did have to acknowledge that the light side of these online platforms meant I could keep in touch with my friends and acquaintances from all those places I have visited over the years. Friends and acquaintances I couldn’t possibly keep in touch with otherwise, by old school methods of writing letters and picking up the telephone. It is a curious way of staying in relationship with people you never see otherwise, but in the absence of it, I felt myself losing that connection to those who have crossed my path in life and been part of my journey; my connection to lovely people and to the shared history we have, if only shared for a week or two.

During that period of abstinence, I became a thrice times grandmother and have been acutely aware of protecting these babes from exposure on the internet before they can have a say about what is put out there about them. I wanted to share my joy, my pride, and photos on the arrival of these beautiful new souls, but felt discomfort at the thought, so all in all, I have taken time out to consider what it is I am happy to share here.

Coming upon Beautiful Poetry
This morning I met a good friend for a coffee and catch-up in Lauderdale House, Highgate. After a while we got up and went for a walk around the beautiful park Lauderdale House sits in, Waterlow Park, and as we ambled down to the bottom corner, we decided to continue into Highgate Cemetery, which adjoins it. The sun was shining, spring and new beginnings are in the air, and I am excited for what is evolving. My friend is a good listener and I share what has been evolving for me. My work with women rising up and stepping into the fullness of who they are is taking off. It has taken me a while to integrate my coaching and counselling skills into a honed, single offering but oh how rewarding it is proving to be.

And then we came upon this tombstone (see photo above) and this most wonderful of poems, which seems to express it all.

Rise like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you
Ye are many they are few

                                                                               by Paul Foot|Writer and Revolutionary|1937-2004

The Pilgrimage
In a week’s time I am embarking on a Mary Magdalene pilgrimage through the South of France. I will be visiting places she visited when she arrived from the Holy Land all those millenia ago. I will be connecting to the rising feminine energy that is permeating our cosmos right now, the divine feminine that is making a comeback, the goddess energy of Mary Magdalene, Isis, and many other goddesses too. My work is in tune with this.

So, this is my first post for a while (writing on SM), but not the last. I have decided to write a travelogue as I make my way through France and share what is arising for me as I go. I hope you will come follow me.

With love to you all, my friends and followers💚 xx

Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage 2023
What is naturopathy?

Mary Magdalene and Cathar Pilgrimage Travelogue 2023

The week before I leave-Day 2


Books for Transformation
One week tomorrow until departure. I am gearing up and considering the road trodden thus far to get me to this point.

“The Tao of Equus” by Linda Kohanov, and “If Women Rose Rooted” by Sharon Blackie are two books that truly inspired me on that road. They made me realise that I wasn’t alone, and that now is my time to step up.

Showing up as Women
Why is it so hard for so many of us women to show up and shine our light in the world?

For those of us who do manage it, on what terms? For so long we have had to engage with our masculine energies to succeed in a masculine world.

We’ve had to side-line our beautiful, soft and gentle femininity, if we have wanted to stand strong in a male dominated society. That’s not to say there isn’t a gritty, determined side to our feminine nature, but you get my drift.

What have we become, as women, in order to survive our environment?

Do we like some of the behaviours we may have adopted?

I felt ready yesterday to put my head above the parapet, strike out and be seen.

No more hiding 🫣

And there are so many different ways that we can hide from the world, even in full sight, especially in full sight!

My rhetoric about social media yesterday may have some of its unconscious motivations in wanting to stay hidden.

Then it started. All the old fears came tumbling in.

“You must be mad”, they said. “Why would you expose yourself like this?”. “Get back beneath the parapet”.


Being traumatised as a child can grow a scared adult within. I know that….. so how to break through?

By saying NO! F**K IT! I am going to do this thing that I find so scary. 😳

Grow a new muscle of genuine confidence (as opposed to the mask of confidence I carry around with me 🎭).

No more sitting in a place of fear, that old 3D paradigm, that place of low resonant frequency that doesn’t serve me anymore.

Fear has its place, don’t get me wrong. It keeps us out of danger, but I hate it when the anxiety attacks start, often for what seems like no apparent reason.

Its those old fears and triggers, the ones that are still running the show, that need challenging. That’s conditioning that keeps me small.

If I am going to become comfortably acquainted with the attributes of 5D consciousness, those higher resonant frequencies of Love, Joy and Kindness (to self as well as others!), then something needs to change.

The only way onwards is through…….

One week tomorrow I set out.