What is Trauma?
Trauma, and the many ways in which it can manifest, is at the heart of this category. It hopes to educate you in what it is you are dealing with, and in another category, give you ideas about how you can heal yourself, and/or signpost you to practitioners who can help.
How To Heal Yourself
The blog overall is about trauma and how to heal yourself. The “how you can heal” piece is featured in other categories.
Questions To Be Answered
What does the word “trauma” actually mean? How can we become informed? What is its impact on the nervous system? Why is it that unresolved ancestral stories can manifest in future generations?
These are just some of the questions we will be examining.
PTSD v. Complex PTSD
PTSD and Complex-PTSD are two of the possible after-effects of traumatic events. They are not the same thing. So what is the difference? This is something I will be looking to explore more deeply.