Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage Diaries
My Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage Diaries are a personal account of what transpired for me over a 12-day pilgrimage journey traveling in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene in May 2023. I kept a journal every day.
After my return, I began the business of crafting blog posts from my experiences. The posts also include whatever else is coming through me in the moment. It has expanded into something so much bigger than I could ever have imagined.
Pilgrimage in General
The cornerstone article for this Mary Magdalene story is about pilgrimage in general, and why you might choose to go on one. What are the benefits? It features some different pilgrimages I have been on, or watched others go on, that demonstrate how different pilgrimages can be. It sets up the notion of pilgrimage before launching you into the diary.
Pilgrimage Destination
A pilgrimage is a journey towards a particular destination, with something specific in mind. There is a purpose, an intention. Typically, the destination is a sacred one, but doesn’t have to be. In one section I talk of traveling to Bonn and visiting the house where Beethoven was born.
Pilgrimage Intention
On the Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage, I visited many churches and places where Mary Magdalene is reported to have been. My particular intention was to connect with the rising feminine energy that is so evident at the moment, and which she is strongly associated with.
Pilgrimage Experience
A pilgrimage isn’t just about the destination though. It is also about your experiences along the way.
Pilgrimage As a Vehicle For Healing
I have included this category about pilgrimage as they can be, and often are, a vehicle for healing, and that is what this blog is all about. I also wanted to share my process on my Mary Magdalene pilgrimage, as I believe that healing between the masculine and feminine is an important part of what needs to happen for the evolution of ourselves, as individuals, and our planet; and that is what the Magdalenes are all about.
I hope this inspires you to try a pilgrimage out for yourself.